Sunday, April 01, 2007

In The Silence

If you pause for a moment and listen in the silence, you will hear much more than what is on the surface of what your ears can hear, because you will start to listen with your heart.
If you close your eyes you will hear the obvious sounds of nature and life around you; sensing God's glory in his creations.
If you open your eyes and shut out the sounds, you will hear with your heart; the same as if you were deaf and blind, yet much different than a sense of feeling.
A quiet world is a place of peace, simplicity and serenity. A place where no one can take you, except yourself.
There is an honest communication in that place of silence.
Remove the busyness of your mind and be still with your heart. Meditate on God meeting you at this place. It's a place of intimacy that no living or unliving thing could ever fill.
Just sit quietly and watch the clouds form into the next rains. Notice how God quietly moves about the earth and breathes life into each living thing.
Stop everything. Mediation in prayer is only part; intimacy with the Almighty is being completely consumed by Him. It maybe starts with a brokeness or a lonliness, but excels into a deeper spiritual plane; and only the bold in spirit will be willing to go there; because to be still in the silence- there is pain and surrender.
I urge all, through this personal trial and lesson, that you all choose to become deaf so that you will hear Him in a deeper way- waiting there in the silence.

