Thursday, March 08, 2007

An Encouraging Letter From My Friend Eric

Is the instrument of the artist more important than the message yearning to be expressed ? Does the quality of the best guitar really add to the depth of the lyrics of the song being sung?

If the painter cannot find the best paints, does he throw down his brush to never paint again? Or does the message he is compelled to share, find its way to the canvas by whatever oils are available to him?

Perhaps the artist's response to a trial, reflects a deeper understanding of his motivation, as to why he has the need to express himself. Is it truly for his message, or is for public praise – large or small – that can come with art expertly performed?

The artist who is compelled to express himself by a force greater than his own ego, that person takes whatever the situation that confronts him, be it pain, rejection, poverty – or yes – even illness – and will choose to push himself beyond those obstacles. How many artists have struggled throughout their lives only to find “fame” after their deaths? Too many in history to name here. Could they have endured the hardships that they did if not for something larger than themselves struggling to get out? Of course not. They were pushed forward solely by the power of their message, one that they felt had to be said to the world despite their afflictions.

What then of the christian artist? Would he allow Satan to overwhelm him, over take the greatest message of all time- the Good News, by simply depriving him of his favored tool? Can the message of the christian artist – this spokesman for The Word of God - ever be silenced by something so vile and corrupt? No, the Christian artist reaches deep within, availing himself of The Lord's love and grace, showing the evil one that he has no power over this beloved instrument of God!

For now, while no longer able to use his favorite instrument, he will shout, dance, and give praise as David did himself during times of trial as in so many of the Psalms, crying out “Glory to God in the Highest!”. The christian artist will reject the burden of his current trial and rest on the Lord's promise, knowing that even now Christ is moving to his aid. He knows deep within his soul that he is loved by God, that God honors the things done in His name, and for that reason alone Satan has attacked him. Job was finally restored and so will you be.

On faith alone, this artist has but has to pick up any nearby “brush”, resting on the promise of the Word of God, and continue his work for The Lord. For it is by faith in Him that we are rewarded, not by the sight of things as they are.

For if God is with you, nothing can stand against you.



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